Thursday, May 14, 2009

cheap macro 28-80mm

cheap macro, originally uploaded by elbowclarke.

I caught a store liquidation sale in passing, and happily nabbed a 28-80 aspherical macro lens by Sigma for only $13! It's got a greater zoom than my kit lens (which is 18-55) and the macro feature is a new asset for me, but otherwise it's very slow, somewhat noisy, and made of cheap plastic. Worth about $13.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Laundry, part II

We decided to open things up a little more and get rid of the enclosure around the landing at the top of the stair. Now it's all part of one nice open room we'll call our mudroom/laundry.

Not a careful photo, per se, but still used the lightstand/umbrella/skyports, which is what's lent that soft delicious light.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

easy subject, tricky lighting

So all of the studying I do about how to set up lighting correctly was not entirely helpful, because as it turns out, when you have people waiting to have their picture taken and the room is small and warm -- well, I lost a bit of technique to to plain nerves.

But it was a satisfying first event. I won't post more pics here for the privacy of my friends, but this little girl was a sweetie who slept right through our time together. Her parents (good friends of ours who live nearby) are totally laid back and fun, and they three make for a beautiful family. Can't wait to come back when she's older for more pictures.
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Saturday, May 2, 2009


Replace sneaker with baby? New light and newest lens make for delightful combination.
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This was a fantastic Saturday. We worked at the farm for several hours, went on a long walk and generally soaked in some beautiful weather when it was supposed to have rained. I used the camera -- a lot. Tomorrow I get to photograph a newborn using my new flash stand and diffuser.
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