Saturday, April 11, 2009

Demo's done -- now what?!?

Not that this is photo worthy, but its at least some explanation of where my Saturday's been spent...

We're enlarging our laundry room to capture some much needed eave space. The horizontal boards you see just beyond the stud wall are actually the underside of a steeply sloped roof, and there's about 2.5' of space there to be had if we take out the studwall and nail a sloped ceiling/wall to the back of the roof rafters. I will confess I didn't realize this wall would be bearing, but indeed it appears to be, so progress has been brought to a halt while we figure out what to do.

Can this be a photo/construction blog?!
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  1. So glad to have you "back"!

    This reminds us of our window replacement project -- not to say that your miscalculation of the bearing/non-bearing wall was anything like ours...

    We (or I...) assumed that all of our bedroom windows were 3060 but the top two windows were actually smaller. It wasn't until I had removed (and broken in the process) a window before I figured this out.

    So with a hole in the house, bare studs showing, we had to figure out what to do. At 5pm on a Sunday.

    Bless our neighbors for putting up with construction sounds until 2am the next morning.

  2. It's been a while...can we see progress pixs?
