Thursday, February 12, 2009

day 20 (and day 3/3 of "norovirus")

IMGP7150, originally uploaded by elbowclarke.

Not a stretch of the imagination or talent, to be sure--I see how tabletop photos are becoming as much of a rut as was shooting things out of the window--but these were nevertheless photo-worthy and handy.

Still staying in, but finally feeling 100% again.  Thanks for the well-wishes.

1 comment:

  1. The wife and I agree that this is a great capture. I love the different view (top down), and the gradient of white left-to-right that offers interesting definition on the flowers at the left side. Very nice high-key shot. You say you are stuck in a rut, but you are pulling off some very compelling shots.

    Plus, I already got my V-day flower purchase, so I'm not in hot water!

    Glad you're feeling better.

    Always buy real Pedialyte!

