Tuesday, February 17, 2009

day 24: offer approved

P1040294, originally uploaded by elbowclarke.

We placed our first offer on a condo last night which was accepted today. My mind has not been on photo making, except insofar that I documented every neat thing about the house. This photo shows the front; ours will be the 3rd and 4th floors with the big arched/bay windows.


  1. That's sooooo cool, you guys! Welcome to home ownership. It's a ride for sure. Excited to see what you architecture types come up with for changes/decorations, and also eager to see how the studio space upstairs works.

    Hopefully we can visit sometime soon and maybe see you longer than just your lunch break(s)!

    I call dibs on the hammock.

  2. Congratulations! How exciting!
