Monday, February 9, 2009

day 17: dusty vase

IMGP7073, originally uploaded by elbowclarke.

This remote strobe fun almost shouldn't be allowed.  Makes for nice pictures and formerly impossible setups in very little time.  This is is a normally opaque glass vase but illuminated with a strobe below and behind it at a very low power setting (1/132).  The vase then becomes a kind of bulb to illuminate the rest of the scene.


  1. Wow, 1/132. That'll give you the chance to use the flash and get the shallow DOF from a large aperature.

    That's crazy. I'm used to the 1/16 minimum on the Vivitar, and I hardly ever use that. Bet you can get some crazy recycles with 1/132!

    So fun to see what you're coming up with with the Elinchrom remotes!

  2. Was wrong, it's actually 1/128, but you're right about the recycle time. It allows me to take rapid fire pictures with flash, and the Elinchroms are dependable at that speed. I think I'll use my vivitar (once I get a second receiver) as my main light in most situations since it's limited to 1/16th, then use the metz for secondary light.
