Monday, February 23, 2009

day 29: bummed

IMGP7298, originally uploaded by elbowclarke.

My trigger battery was dead! So no off camera flash could brighten this scene with the best sushi I have ever eaten. I post this picture out of regret for what it COULD have been... Teaches me to charge these elinchroms up more regularly.


  1. Don't feel too bad. I left my Cactus receivers on for over a week following a newborn shoot. D'oh! The CR2 Lithium batteries they use aren't on sale at Target anymore. Double D'oh.

    You could have put the flash on-camera and swiveled to bounce off the ceiling, no? I know....strobist habits die hard.

    I really like your shot from yesterday. The contrast between the cutting board surface and the water drops is great.

  2. Good! The comment worked!

    I was having trouble posting comments yesterday. The verification word never appeared.

    Welcome back!
